What I'm doing in Alaska


Saturday, July 2, 2011

Other Grandparents

Our other grandparents are coming tomorrow. It shall get CRAZY for the next month, so I apologize for not posting. Hopefully I'll have some good stories when I come back.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Chocolate Heaven

My grandparents are here visiting on vacation. Tomorrow we are going to the Largest Chocolate Falls. A waterfall of chocolate. It shall be truly worthy of the name epic. No kidding.

Okay, for all you people who don't like physiological questions, STOP READING!!!!

Are you still reading?

Okay, so I was wondering why people love dogs. I was soooo enthralled when we got Cooper, my dog. I love him! So why do people adore these little fluffy balls of .... fluff???? They are adorable, but why do we love them?

Thursday, May 26, 2011


We just came back from camping, and I am sunburned. In Alaska. I know, sounds weird.
We didn't have to worry about bears of moose, though we did see 3 black bears, two moose, and 10 mountain goats. We saw wolf tracks(they are huge!!), bear tracks(funky!!), and moose tracks.
We got to the campsite by four-wheeling. AWESOME!! One of the nights we were therekijgvjjjwqnwddedfhkjd. Oops. Dog on the key board.Anyway, there were mini avalanches, called snow-falls. They were really cool. It went on for, like, an hour. They were really loud. It was soooo sweltering the last day, we sat around the campfire(which was very small) and made wooden forks for our dinner. It was sooooooo cold in the mornings, that I actually went back to sleep, and slept for three more hours. When I woke up, it was burning up. How ironic. Anyway, it was really fun, and definitely an experience that any one in Alaska should have.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

w00t w00t!!

I got 100 on my Final Project!!! Wooooohhh!!!!!


Ow. I sprained my leg. Zip-lining. And running from big dogs. And climbing up tall ladders. And almost falling out of tree houses.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Tree Porcupine?!?

That was very peculiar. Me and my friend Jesse were in the woods by my house. We were looking out over the Old Glenn(?) Highway. She said, "Look there is a porcupine the in the tree lets go." I look over and there is this whooping porcupine giving us the evil glare of doom. I pulled a Will Turner, in Dead Man's Chest, on Pelegosto(?). Jack is running from the tribes dudes, and Wills says, " Time to go!" But I said it just like him, so it was funny. :P

Saturday, April 30, 2011


Tis' my Birthday today!
Why do we celebrate birthdays? I feel it is a way to celebrate the life we have lived and the life we still have to live.