What I'm doing in Alaska


Thursday, April 14, 2011

Things about Me

Here is a random list with things about me:
1. I love dogs
2. I am short compared to other people my age
3. I like to sing and dance to Christian music
4. Horses and wolves are amazing
5. Two of my best friends are Muriel and Tara
6. Young Life rocks!
7. I love the Lord and help with Sunday School at Chapel
8. My dad is an Army Chaplain
9. My dog is named after a Mini Cooper, no kidding
10. I am homeschooled
11. I wake up at 6:45, unlike some homeschoolers I know
12. I am addicted to 1st person shooter games
13. I am a robotics nerd
14. I love Legos and Lego Video Games
15. I am trying (and failing) to build a fort out of trees blown over by the wind(there is a surprising amount of them)
16. I love to scooter and have my dog pull me.
17. Movies are awesome, such as Dark Knight and Megamind
18. I have a surprising amount of friends for a homeschooler
19. I am one day older than my best friend and six days older than my other best friend
20. I want to either learn how to surf or how to be a Musher
21. I have a 15 year old brother who loves to tease me
22. I take online classes from the Potter's School
23. Most of my friends also take the Potter's School
24. I have no idea what to put here....
25. Oh yeah, I'm thirteen!! w00t w00t!!
EDIT: 26. I REALLY want to learn how to surf. Been seeing surf boards and contests EVERYWHERE!!

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