What I'm doing in Alaska


Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Snow Tunnels

Okay, this may sound weird, but I am trying to make an awesome tunnel in the snow of Alaska. So far, it is failing because of the ice underneath. It looks kind of cool, though. It has awesome snowball niches in a pinch... Lol that sounded funny. Niches in some pinches. Wow I just cracked myself up. Anyway... so i should probably explain the title of my blog. My dad is in the Army. He was doing training somewhere. He was driving home, and saw a intact moose leg, WITH THE HOOF, on the road. He brought the frozen leg INTO the house, and now it is sitting on our deck. You could see the bone sticking out. It was so gross! The weird thing is, it's thawing in the sun! Now you can see the fur on it.
Awesome Person

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