What I'm doing in Alaska


Thursday, February 24, 2011

Discovery & Camping Trip

My family and i go to a bible study every Wednesday nights at chapel, and we eat dinner there. There are lots of other teens, including two of my friends.(I have more than two there, but they aren't teens yet) The seating arrangements are two table combined, with three chairs on each side. There are about 8 or 9 tables. Two of those tables are always filled with teens, youth group leaders, and teen's family's. It's hilarious, because all the younger siblings are also trying to crowd with us, so the seating arrangement ends up being 5 on each of two sides and three on the others.
When we actually started the youth group one night, we went around and said our names and something nice that someone has done for you. One boy said the nicest thing that someone has done for him was dropping him in a trust-fall. He was looking at me and one of my friend's when he said it. Now this is a long story. Here goes. In the summer of 2010, 6th and 7th graders went on a three day trip to do some fun activities, like rock-climbing, fishing, camping, and hiking. There were 6 girls, and 4 boys, if I remember correctly. There might have been five boys. Anyway, right before we left to go hiking on the first day, we were at the chapel learning about one another. We had said our names, and played a game to help remember them. We then split up, girls with girls, boys with boys, to do single trust-falls. After that, with no fatalities, we did one big trust-fall, standing on the table and falling back into everyone's arms. Again, no one was dropped. We then got in a big circle, with someone in the middle. They closed their eyes, and spun around, with us catching them and pushing them around. No one was dropped. But then Sam went. He was the boy we finally dropped. We were unevenly spaced, so it was inevitable. He was pushed by the other side of the circle, heading straight for me and my friend. We couldn't catch him correctly, so we gently lowered him to the ground. He claims we dropped him like a rock on purpose. He STILL hangs it over our heads, 7 months later. So now, he goes and mentions it in youth group, to people who weren't even there! They looked all sympathetic for him! We were like, SERIOUSLY?!? It was really funny.
So there was my very long story. Hope you peeps didn't fall asleep.
Awesome Person

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